Norm Gilbert
3 min readFeb 16, 2020


You might have a great time and be warmly welcomed at a World Wide Wrestling event.

That doesn’t make it any less fixed and rigged.

For those of you who believe a sociopathic narcissist who seeks vengeance and revenge against ordinary people who took their oath to defend the constitution seriously, how does Trump have your back, exactly? What has he done (not what he has said) that benefited you personally?

How can you possibly make an intelligent and informed decision about who should lead our country when most of what he tells you is simply not true.

Do you reject the fact of man made climate change?

Do you think citizens of Europe should enjoy a better quality of life than you do?

Do you think it is perfectly OK to try to rig an election?

I don’t believe that Trump supporters are racist but some of them are and they have a home in the Republican party.

65% of Americans do not possess a passport. They have literally never been anywhere outside the borders of the United States. And many of those who do travel abroad do so in groups with other Americans. Just because you have spent a day or two in Venice or Paris doesn’t mean you have any insight into how the average person in Europe actually experiences their life.

So when someone tells you about France, Germany or Scandinavia you have no basis to measure the accuracy of what you are being told. You have never been there but only seen postcard pictures. And chances are you do not have a single foreigner as a friend you can contact in their home country to get their opinion..

Do you ever wonder why so few Europeans want to relocate in the United States?

If you would be honest with yourself, imagine Obama behaving like Trump. Would he have you unquestioning support.

Four more years of Trump will change America forever and not for the better. The world is changing in fundamental ways and ignoring our increasingly automated working conditions will not change that. No matter how much nostalgia you have for the United States of the last century, the clock doesn’t run backwards.

In the last century people could get a good high paying job with only a high school diploma. But those days are over and not coming back. Does Trump have a plan for all the displaced workers resulting from technology and automation. Jobs aren’t going to China and Mexico, they are being automated out of existence. Ever heard Trump discuss this or formulate a plan just to have a starting point?

Would you be concerned if every election was fake, with only Republican Trump supporters on the ballot? That is the way elections are conducted in Russia and Cuba.

Trump doesn’t even know why Peral Harbor is so important to American history. Do you think the job of President of the United States is so easy that our president can fly to a resort he owns and play golf 3 out of every 5 weekends?

Now I haven’t attacked Trump supporters or called them names they way our president does. I am not a libtard or a snowflake.

Reading this essay from the former Democratic woman who attended a Trump rally and left thinking he is qualified to lead the world’s most powerful country literally scares the living daylights out of me.

I can only hope and pray you are wrong about Trump winning in a landslide.

Trump poses a clear and present danger to democracy. My fear is that by the time Trump supporters see it, it will be too late. Trump will be an authoritarian dictator that no one can stop.

All the claps and supportive comments mean nothing statistically. They are mere anecdotes from a well written essay that reaches a faulty conclusion.

God save us all if Trump wins legitimately. Remember he sees nothing wrong with paying off prostitutes for their silence, ripping off students at his fake university, running a crooked charity and if we let him rigging the election.

I hear Trump can be charming in person but charm isn’t a qualification for President.



Norm Gilbert
Norm Gilbert

Written by Norm Gilbert

Fully retired, ex-pat living outside the US. Been a worker, been in a union, owned a business, and had probably 6 different career paths. I write as a hobby.

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