You can't see the forest for the trees. America is under minority rule. The majority wants better social contracts, a smaller military, gun control, national health care, and all the rest.
But too many Americans are woefully misinformed. 40% of the electorate would swear on the bible they hold so dear that Trump actually won the election and the Democrats rigged it.
The Democrats cannot unify and end the Jim Crow era filibuster in an institution that is already undemocratic. Why should a citizen of Montana have more of a voice than citizens of California or Texas?
America is heading towards a fascist, authoritarian dictatorship. Biden will not move to the left, he is still a huge supporter of monopolistic corporations.
The unfair tax laws will never be reformed. Bezos and Musk and Trump pay no federal taxes. Income inequality is only getting worse. America is no closer to free higher education or free health care for all.
Sure, wages are up. But even $15 an hour is not a livable wage in any large city. And in flyover country, they're still paying $7.25.
Get real. People are happy they can finally go outside and be around other people. But there are still that 40% who refuse to get the vaccine. When they get sick and are hospitalized, who pays? And it is all preventable.
The GOP will retake the house in 2022, retake then Senate too, maybe. Biden won't run in 2024 and Kamala Harris cannot win.
Are you ready for the GOP ticket in 2024? Josh Hawley and Matt Gaetz. Don't laugh, if the Democrats continue to get nothing done believing in fairly tales like bipartisanship, they will not stay in power. Not because the other side will get more votes, but because the Democratic vote will either be suppressed or being disgusted, Democrats will just stay home and let the country and democracy burn.