You asked in your response "Can you name one policy or law that Trump passed that was any way shape or form fascist?"
Your question is too long. It should read: "Can you name any law that Trump passed?"
Trump accomplished nothing except a tax cut for the wealthy and corporations. The man cannot read. He has the attention span of a 5 ear old. He's a TERRIBLE businessman. Everything Trump touches dies. How do you lose money running a casino?
Do you think it is ethical to stiff your contractors, and ignore contracts your company signed by offering them pennies on the dollar for their work? They when they sued him, he'd run them through the judicial process until they ran out of money. They were sorry they didn't take $0.20 on the dollar and just go bankrupt.
Have you read any books about Trump? Michael Cohen's? His sister's book? Rick Wilson's book?
Might I ask what are your principal news sources? Do you watch Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Jeanne Piro, or any of the other commentators on Fox? Were you a fan of Rush Limbaugh? Do you follow Qanon? Are you a fan of Kellyanne Conjob? Who never could answer a question honestly. Why are all the Trump people having so much difficulty finding employment?
Because I really think you live in an alternate reality. Did you look at those people Trump sent to invade the Capitol and kill Mike Pence and Nancy Pelosi? Confederate flags. Full of HATE. Beating up and killing police.
Trump loves to get his followers angry and hateful and "foaming at the mouth". He shouted over and over again "Lock her up!" but because Hillary never actually committed a crime, well, she isn't locked up. But Trump soon will be.
The noose is closing and people who were afraid to tell what they knew are coming forward now. Tax fraud, insurance fraud, bank fraud for starters. And the prosecutors have got the hard evidence. They eventually got John Gotti, and they eventually got Al Capone, and they eventually got Manual Noriega and El Chapo. And they'll eventually get Trump and maybe then you'll change your tune and say "I knew it all along!"
Did you see the people in Charlottesville shouting "Jews Will not Replace Us"? The people Trump said were part of the "good people on both sides"
Here's a few links you might want to watch:
You worked for IBM. I sold against IBM. I knew their tactics. IBM was both the manufacturer and a direct seller of their products. Some of which weren't very good. Microchannel Architecture anyone? The IBM PC network? Right.
I managed a branch of Businessland, and our company was IBM's number one personal computer reseller in the world. We knew through our system engineers way more about networking personal computers than they did. But instead of helping us sell IBM, they undersold us and kept us from closing some major accounts who were buying IBM no matter what. Not very nice people.
Even though IBM was the first to offer a "personal computer" they didn't actually believe in it. They are nothing today in personal computing, networking or much anything else. IBM is a mere shell of its former self. A consultancy. Who's using mainframes anymore? And the staff of IBM were such total conformists, ass-kissers and yes men. Blue suit, white shirt, red tie. Trump's exact costume. They never had the foresight to see the forest for the trees.
Businessland wasn't much better. They went out of business entirely. They were forced by IBM to open fancy "showrooms" in expensive ground floor retail space to become "Authorized IBM Resellers".
Most Businessland locations were selling hundreds of IBM, Apple and Compaq computers at a time to large corporate accounts via outside sales reps. We had signs in our windows and locked the front doors. "Customers Seen By Appointment Only".
But Businessland's arrogant CEO got into an argument with the CEO of Compaq and Compaq pulled the authorization. Compaq was 45% of our sales, and we were 15% of theirs. Compaq was the nail in the coffin that killed Businessland. Compaq didn't survive either. Neither did Computerland, Microage, Fry's, and a whole host of other computer resellers.
Businessland was opening multiple configuration centers around the United States at the same time that FedEx was making that concept obsolete.
Businessland was managing inventory at hundreds of retail locations and the "shrink" was enormous. When Businessland failed 8,000 people lost their jobs. I was one of them. My last job was turning $21 million worth of open box and junk inventory into $9 million in cash.
While I have had no contact with the founder (he sold most of his stock at its peak on inside information and retired rich), I'll bet he's like you, a Trump supporter.
I knew some of his key people from those days. One guy, personable, playing decent golf, no college degree, keeps getting hired at companies that fail. He and I used to be connected on Facebook until I had to defriend him and others over their support of Trump.
Many of the Businessland people still don't see what they did wrong that caused their stock to go from $19 a share to $1 a share in 2 quarters. A company with $1 billion in sales evaporated.
Their founder and CEO could be described as "stubborn" and certainly, one who refused to listen to what other people in the company were telling him.
Yes, Trump is a racist. He and his father Fred would not rent apartments to black and brown people. That's proven history. You can start there . . .
Jack, you need to open your mind. You have been brainwashed and are a part of a cult. It's OK. I've fallen for a phishing scheme once.
Seriously, I know it is hard to see it when you're in it. You're probably a smart guy. Lots of my former colleagues at Businessland were smart. But smart wasn't enough to save the company when all the power was with the one guy at the top. Who was only successful ONCE.
Educate yourself is all I can suggest. Read books by people who know Trump well, who worked for Trump, and who at one time maybe even "would take a bullet" for Trump.
Ever wonder why in the 2016 election, Trump lost New York City by huge margins? Because they knew him best, and they knew he was unfit to be president.