What makes affairs so damaging isn't the sex with someone not your spouse, but the deceit and violation of trust.
I don't think humans are designed for monogamy. Before one member of a couple cheats, they perhaps should explore other relationship paradigms?
Open relationships, swinging, threesomes. What is most important is that they communicate honestly their feelings and the needs they feel their spouse isn't meeting. It is not an easy conversation to have, but it sure beats cheating.
What is one partner supposed to do if their needs aren't being met? A wife who has lost all interest in sex or let her appearance go? A husband married to his career, or who doesn't take care of his body? Just stuff it all down, and trundle on in misery because years prior you promised each other monogamy?
How many otherwise good relationship ended in divorce because one spouse cheated by sneaking around with someone else? Divorce is devastating to all concerned, as the article makes clear.
Isn't the essence of love to support your partner's goals and desires? You don't own your partner. Jealousy is mostly insecurity anyway.
How much of monogamy is fear-based? Fear of being alone? Fear of being replaced? Fear that your spouse likes someone else better? Love is not a finite feeling, but an expansive one.
A relationship isn't in reality all black and white. It doesn't have to be a choice between monogamy and cheating.