Very well written article. You cohesively expressed why I chose to leave my native San Francisco in April 2018 to retire in South America. I like being in the same Time Zone as the US.
I left my children, grandchildren, and long time friends behind. I was unemployable at 69, single for 11 years. So it was definitely time to go.
I can live well on just my Social Security pension and have enough left over to travel, mostly to western Europe.
I cannot afford to live in Spain or Portugal but I can afford to visit. I broke my addiction to buying and possessing more and more “stuff”.
In 2019 I visited Berlin and spent days in museums that tried to explain Hitler and how a man who never got more than 37% of the vote became a dictator and mass murderer.
The similarities between Hitler and Trump are very real. The propaganda machine, the authoritarianism, the extolling of violence, the spewing of constant hate and grievance. Hitler and his followers said they wanted to “make Germany great again”
60% of Americans do not possess a passport. They are ignorant about their own collapsing society..
If you are unhappy with the situation in the dis-united states, I suggest you find a way to get the heck out of there.
Sadly, the country is beyond saving at this point. All you can do is save yourself and your partner. Vote with your feet and get out while you still can.