Rejection is scary. It’s like someone kicking you in the teeth while telling you you’re not good enough. Even though there are many reasons for things not working out, we oftentimes take it to mean that there’s something absolutely wrong with us. We use rejection to prove the point to ourselves that we are the most unlovable creature in the world.
They say if you just slightly dare to think this thought, even just for a second or two, it is game over before it’s even begun.
Think that you’re not good enough, that you have nothing to offer, that you’re not good looking enough or rich enough or young enough or successful enough to have what you want. Knowing that you aren’t the one leading everyone else through life.
Because women have the uncanny ability to mindread this thought as if it were a flashing neon sign on a man’s forehead saying “Loser”.
And they’ll run a hundred miles an hour in the opposite direction.