That’s great. You missed the second part of my post completely.
It isn’t real wrestling. It’s FAKE and RIGGED. You’ll get to scream at a Professional Wrestling Match. Boo the villain, usually a Latin or Asian guy who tries to fight fairly and abide by the rules. Cheer the blond haired white guy who cheats but the referee never sees it or lets the guy off with a warning.
The outcome of the actual wrestling match is rehearsed, choreographed, and the “winner” predetermined. The wrestlers who profess to hate each other on camera are just acting. They’re all buddies in real life. They laugh at the audience that thinks it is all real.
But the audience really think it is real. When they are told the truth, they simply don’t care. The blood coming out one wrestlers forehead is real blood, not fake. Scalp woulds bleed like crazy from a very superficial cut from a hidden razor blade.
These guys and the promoter are getting rich putting on an exhibition you will pay a significant amount of money to attend.
Kind of like a Trump Rally. Except a Trump rally is free.
You go and get to hear a pack of lies from a criminal conman and would-be dictator. But like reality TV, it is all hugely entertaining. What crazy, off-the- wall thing will Trump say next? LOCK HER UP! BUILD THE WALL! FOUR MORE YEARS!
You will have a great rip-roaring good time being around people who live in an alternate reality, dislike and fear the same people and groups you don’t like. You will witness a fairy tale spun by the master manipulator himself. This is your community, you have come home.
If you’ve studied any history, you’ll know Hitler had great rallies that appeared to be well attended but in fact weren’t. Hitler could speak for four hours straight, without a script. He was mesmerizing even though what he was presenting was lies and hate. And at election time, Hitler never, ever received more than 37% of the vote. Most Germans in 1933 were against Hitler.
Hitler was allowed to do whatever he wanted by a vote of the members of the German Legislature arising out of their fear of standing up to Hitler. Because Hitler was a bully and had some thugs that might make life pretty unpleasant for anyone who spoke out against him. It is hard to have courage in the face of evil. Courage could cost you everything: friends, family, possessions, your job or business, even your life.
So the good people of Germany kept quiet and kept their heads down. Some people made a lot of money. They knew their neighbors were being “relocated in the East” and everyone knew or at least suspected people were being eliminated by the thousands every week.
Germans rode the Nazi train down to the depths of hell and in the process millions of innocent people died and their country was utterly destroyed. And then rebuilt with money from America through the Marshall Plan.
What country is going to come save us from our own destruction?