Thanks, Michael. Glad you liked my little dissertation on aging, love, women and sex.
Thank goodness, there are a very few highly sexual women in their 40s that think guys in their 70s are great lovers. And guys their age and younger aren't.
They don't notice the 30-year age difference but appreciate how much exquisite attention we pay to their pleasure. And how little we ask in return.
Just being naked together makes us feel like we're in our 40s, too. I little self-delusion is a nice treat on those rare occasions when we find fans of creepy old guys. They are out there, but let's be honest, younger women, for the most part, find older guys disgusting.
But' I think we're like a superb bottle of aged red wine. If you've never tasted a 50-year-old properly cellared Cabernet, you actually don't know what you are missing. A seven-year-old $28 bottle you picked up at Costco seem suitably delicious if you've never tasted better.
We're in no hurry to finish. We get more pleasure out of giving than receiving. An hour of teasing, caressing, slow sexy foreplay has them begging for their release.
We accept that we may not be boyfriend material, and that they don't want to be seen in public on our arm as eye candy or in any way giving the hint of what we do in private together when the lights are dimmed and the drapes pulled tightly shut.
The problem is, while they tell their best girlfriends almost everything, they omit endorsing the creepy old guy they can't get enough of. I guess they want to avoid being judged or hearing their friend's criticism.
They prefer not to be told how gross and desperate they seem to lower themselves onto the bed of a creepy old guy, who looks at them adoringly as maybe the most beautiful woman he has ever laid eyes on. And her knowing just how lucky he feels to be with her at that moment.
I suppose keeping the secret and withholding the endorsement keeps us hungry and ravenous when the opportunity presents itself. They revel in the power they have and certainly don't want any competition.
It's kind of like that secret little romantic restaurant you never tell anyone about, lest it gets "discovered" and loses its charm.
They like us to think we're creepy old guys who got lucky and not the sexy stallions we really are.