Thanks for your message. Sometimes I think that the numerical odds of finding true compatibility are almost astronomical. So, we're lucking to find even one good fit over a lifetime of looking. Hence "one-itis".
Of course there is more than one, but it is the odds of finding that person that make it a matter of luck. 5 minutes, 5 years or 5 miles one way or the other, and you miss meeting each other entirely.
It gets harder when you are eclectic, off-beat and maybe even a little weird. People are frustrated when they can't easily put you in a box.
Lynx is an interesting and unusual name even if it is a non de plume. Is there a story behind the name? Lynx is a feline. Supports my very over simplified world view that in general men are like dogs and women are like cats.
My favorite Donovan Leitch song wasn't Mellow Yellow but Season of the Witch.
I hope I can get the vaccine in Q1 and then start to travel again. There are so many places to experience in the world and so little time. But there are some that are truly worth multiple visits. Still deciding if I want to return to Prague or Amsterdam, or head someplace I've never been like Iceland, Greece or Montenegro. But I always make a long stop in Barcelona every time I go to Europe.