Thanks for the link. Very well written, up until the last line. “We’re not all like that” It may be true but too many are like that. Or I just don’t get yeses from the ones that are not like that.
I am a diagnosed co-dependent with ADHD. Normal 9 to 5 people tend to bore me. Plus I am a weirdo.
I want honesty in a relationship and seldom find it. I want to know more about my partners inner life than her BFF.
I think cheating and lying are what destroys relationships, not sex with more than one person. Fuck who you want, but be honest about it.
Jealousy is just insecurity. I believe the best relationships are more give than take. Both parties need to give more and expect to receive less.
I hate the concept of possessiveness in relationship. Terms like “my girlfriend” assume she belongs to me.
True love is actually wanting a partner to be happy, successful, and fulfilled. It is supporting their dreams, fantasies and desires, which may not always include my presence.
I have a few other requirements. Doesn’t smoke, isn’t addicted to drugs, alcohol, work, yoga, the gym, or watching every episode of GoT.
Has a passport and has traveled internationally alone. Financially independent. Is reasonably attractive to me and vice versa. Smart, either street smart or well educated. Is not a Trumpanzee or Anti-Vaxer.
Am I asking for too much??