Thanks for the answer. More Americans need to travel, even if it is just north to Canada.
But if you went up to the average American and said "You have just won a fabulous travel reward. You and your family have won a ten-day trip, all expenses paid, even airfare. You can choose between Disneyworld in Orlando or London in the UK. Which will it be?".
I'd bet you a nice bottle of Spanish Red that the majority would choose to go to Disneyworld. To me, that's really a sad commentary on Americans.
Did you only make foreign trips for business or did you actually live overseas for some time?
There are problems everywhere there are people. If the theater is on fire, that isn't the time to give a standing ovation for the first act or stop to read the Playbill.
My country is failing. Rapidly. I see the parallels between Germany in 1932 and Trump in 2016. I was born Jewish and as a child learning about the Holocaust, I asked my teachers why more people didn't leave.
Their answer was the people didn't believe how bad it was going to get. They were patriotic Germans after all. They'd think: "They want me to pin a Star of David to my coat? Ok, so what. This too will pass." Many had fought for Germany in World War One. They just could not believe the fate that awaited them.
I learned more about why people didn't leave on my 2019 trip to Berlin and Krakow.
In fact, many people did leave while they could. Hundreds of thousands left Germany and emigrated to a safer place. But once Germany revoked citizenship for their undesirables, there was no way to legitimately get out. Unless you knew a good forger. And had the money to pay the exit tax. And getting caught with forged documents was an instant death sentence.
I am sure the Nazis accomplished some good things too. They built the Autobahn for example. But had Umair been alive in 1932, would you be complaining when he kept writing about Hitler's lies, the propaganda, the people disappearing in the middle of the night, the people starving, the Warsaw Ghetto, or the death camps but never mentioning the great Autobahn?
My appreciation for what we have in America ended with the war in Vietnam, the assassination of JFK by at least three snipers, and the election of a failed actor as President who took the country far down the wrong path, by proclaiming that the government was the problem.
There are plenty of authors who trumpet America's success in the past. Very few who are brave enough to warn people exactly where we are heading in our future if we stubbornly refuse to change. I'm old, I'll die, and I won't suffer. But I am very concerned about my 5-year-old grandchildren and what kind of life awaits them.
Umair is right, too. It all starts with White Supremacy and racism. The attitude of a racist is "I'd rather starve than pay a penny in taxes for some dirty, filthy immigrant to get some help". Never for a minute realizing that the "help" he doesn't want them to get also flows to him, too.
Most countries are not much worse than America. Some are worse, even much worse, but many are much better. I don't think he overlooks problems around the world. He writes about problems in his own home country, Great Britain.
The Beatles and the Stones wrote and sang Rock 'n Roll. They didn't do classical music by Beethoven, Mozart, and Brahms. That doesn't mean the Beatles and the Stones weren't being fair or weren't aware of the greatness of the classical composers achievements.
Warnings of America's imminent collapse are what Ummair writes about. He doesn't write about the great technological achievements of Steve Jobs or Elon Musk. (Both immigrants BTW)
Is he not being fair? Are the Rolling Stones not being fair to Shakespeare. Are Fox and its anchors fair and balanced?
Umair has a definite point of view, and he express that point of view in most everything he writes. He doesn't write happy talk and fairy tales. And he's not for everyone's taste.