Thanks for reading. I was more jealous than angry over your letter. I am not a creep and would never call you names or insult you in print. I don’t even insult the Trumpanzees. I just ignore them and block them.
You are lucky and skillful. You have a partner!
I have the solution to your problem. Tell your husband that guys are approaching you all the time and while you would never be tempted even by the really handsome ones, it is so annoying.
So ask your husband to buy you a one carat diamond wedding ring. If you don’t mind, he can get a cubic zirconia ring. Diamonds are only expensive since De Beers has cornered the market.
You want it big and shiny so guys can tell from ten feet away that you are hitched and unavailable. A big ring leaves no doubt! Only a real creep would ignore that stop sign and bother you.
He’s the one that deserves the classic way of expressing your total disinterest. Just say “Fuck Off, Asshole.”