So very true. Being the dumpee and not the dumper is harder.
The last tine I saw her she was 47, I was 61. That was ten years ago.
She closed all the windows and locked all the doors. I know nothing of her life since I received her e-mail making our separation permanent.
She doesn't do any social media, I don't even know what she looks like at 57. Dealing with the sudden death of a loved one is easier. I know first hand because my wife of 17 years passed away in her sleep at age 52 in 2003. I met my one true love a year later.
My biggest fear was being alone. I had childhood trauma. After living alone for ten years now, I am not afraid any more.
I hold no expectations of the start of something new. It is possible, of course. Kind of like discovering there is intelligent life on other planets or actually meeting God. It can happen but I don't spend my days and nights looking for it.
Living alone is easy. It is dying alone that is hard.
A broken hear never heals, it only teaches.