Please be patient. The State of Georgia is working on building a criminal case against Trump for interference in their election. And they have an excellent case to send Trump to prison, where he clearly belongs.
The criminal and civil cases coming from New York States should put the Trump Organization out of business.
Trump is technically bankrupt. His lenders are coming for their money, and he has signed a personal guarantee. Almost all his golf courses are huge money losers. The lenders will foreclose on many of Trump's few profitable properties. Perhaps he can sell them first to raise cash.
Trump is finished. His name on anything is worthless. The numbers of voters fleeing the GOP so far is in the hundreds of thousands in just the last week.
Cruz and Hawley will not be reelected. Trump has never once in his privileged life been told "No" and held accountable and punished for his childlike and pathologically narcissistic behavior.
Hopefully, the Democrats wake up and kill the undemocratic Filibuster.
I have no problem with the impeachment being a documentary. The Senate is a time-wasting organization anyway. I am pretty fed up with the citizens of Montana having just as much political power as the citizens of Texas or California.
I actually believe America's time as a world leader is finished. Facts no longer matter. Only propaganda rules.
I have left the country to live overseas. If people do not see the parallels between America of 2016 and the Third Reich of 1932, they are blind.