One other suggestion for Uber’s hiring practices is to end their blatant age discrimination. Almost everybody there is less than ten years out of college or high school.
Now, it may not be possible to find older hotshot coders. But there are many other jobs within the company in operations, purchasing, sales, human resources, marketing, etc. that could be well filled with candidates over 40.
But Uber can’t just hire one or two because they will get eaten alive by the bro culture. (Read Dan Lyon’s book “Disrupted” about a sole 50 year old working at Hub Spot).
In my experience, too many companies will fire someone simply accused of any kind of harassment. A friend of mine raised his voice and waged his finger at a young HR employee because she forwarded his confidential e-mail about the General Manager directly to that same General Manager. He said something like “If I send you an e-mail, and ask you to investigate or respond, don’t send it to my boss with my name on it. Then there is hell to pay”.
She claimed “hostile work environment” and my friend was given the choice to resign or be terminated. I hardly think that one sentence and a finger wag constituted harassment. My friend was not her manager either.