Most people are employed in small businesses, defined as 100 or fewer employees than in large multi-national corporations. Capitalism still works at the small business level due to real competition and a favorable tax system.
The owners may be in the top 10% but chances are they still work in their business.
It is the non-competitive monopolistic corporations and the 1% that can afford to buy a senator, congressperson or even a president.
Biden is a true believer in Capitalism but it is the capitalism of the 1940s and 50s. The unions took care of the workers and the government used antitrust to break up the monopolies. Today’s world doesn’t look like that anymore.
This article is depressing. To actually get a government that serves the people is going to take a series of National Strikes. Weekly stay home from work and spend no money days.
And we’re all going to suffer until we can root out the corruption that has turned government “service” into a cesspool.