Norm Gilbert
2 min readSep 27, 2020


Morning Joe on MSNBC spent an hour last week comparing Trump to Hitler and the Republican Party to the Nazis of 1932. Joe Scaborough pulled no punches. He is a conservative, southern born, former Republican who fully understands what Trump is doing.

People like Diane Feinstein should gracefully retire. Her "let's play nice and co-operate" sense of bi-partisanship needs to be put on the shelf until we finish the job of destroying Trumpism and the current GOP and restoring democracy, fairness, and getting America moving in the right direction.

If the Democrats win control of the government, they should immediately take the so-called nuclear option:

Statehood for DC and Puerto Rico, adding 4 more Senators to lock in majority rule for decades.

An end to the filibuster again to take away another vestige of minority rule by getting closer to one person = one vote.

Lastly, expanding the Supreme Court by 4 associate justices to a total of 13, again establishing that the majority win with 50% + 1 and not 60% in a rigged battleground of gerrymandered states and a biased SCOTUS.

The uneducated, brainwashed right wing will scream holy hell about all this. Too damn bad. The Democrats must grow a pair and DO THIS.

Will the right wing Qanon whackos and racist neo-nazis risk their lives to start a shooting civil war? If so, then the government must quickly put down this revolt of the minority.

After losing WWII badly, the Germans had the good sense to outlaw the Nazi party. They cannot organize, raise money, sell or display any Nazi symbols, publish, or even stand on a street corner and preach. The Nazis are forever discredited and banned for the safety of German society.

I hate to say so, but America should do the same. There must never be another opportunity for a smarter version of Trump to rise to so high a level of power.



Norm Gilbert
Norm Gilbert

Written by Norm Gilbert

Fully retired, ex-pat living outside the US. Been a worker, been in a union, owned a business, and had probably 6 different career paths. I write as a hobby.

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