Norm Gilbert
5 min readNov 29, 2020


Joe Biden was not my choice. I gave no money to his campaign. My choice has always been people like Bernie and Elizabeth Warren.

There is so much fundamentally wrong with the United States I honestly believe it is impossible to fix.

Yes, there is only one party in the U.S. and it is the MONEY party. It doesn't matter what the people want, or what would serve them best, it is the people with the money, the lobbyists and the donor class, that get their way.

We have a two-party system, so like it or not, the choice in elections will always be the lesser of two evils. Biden is not a sociopathic narcissist or a con artist. Or a failed businessperson. He served in the military. He was not born wealthy. The one thing you can say about Joe Biden is he is capable of empathy.

I do not think Biden wants to run for another term or wants to run for anything ever again. That makes him impervious to being bought. His campaign doesn't need any money. I believe he sees the damage Donald Trump has done to the country and would like to try to fix it.

Sure, Biden is under the influence of large corporations and big money. Maybe he lies 20% of the time. But Trump is a would-be dictator, does not believe the law applies to him and lies 100% of the time.

Most importantly, Trump is incompetent and unfit to be President. He didn't even want the job and expected to lose. The whole thing was a PR exercise to help him remain a celebrity and use his celebrity status to make money for himself. His real estate businesses are mostly money losers.

In a binary choice, there is no possible case for another Trump term. Unless you'd like to live in a place like Turkey, Hungry, the Philippines, Venezuela, Cuba, or Russia.

Sadly, without having control of the Senate, Biden will fail at his unification attempt. Because Mitch McConnell will put politics, money, and power ahead of policy. Biden believes that he can make deals with McConnell since they were able to do so in the distant past.

But without the leverage of a Senate majority, McConnell will not cooperate. In my view, McConnell is a traitor and Russia has Kompromat on him. Plus McConnell just loves money and power more than anything else.

The bipartisan bipartisanship legislation will always be better received than one party jamming their views down the throats of the opposition. But bipartisanship is dead in the two-party system that is politics in the United States.

Although it will never happen unless a shooting civil war breaks out, The Yogoslavia Solution might save at least some parts of the United States. Split the country up into smaller, more homogeneous countries.

Let the marketplace decide which system works best. The red states can have their theocratic, gun-loving, white supremacy, greed is good, autocratic "less is more" governmental system and try it out for a few decades and see how well it works.

Not every elected official is corrupt and in it for the money. But enough of them are to prevent any kind of meaningful progress.

The #1 job of a professional politician is getting re-elected. That job starts the day the election results are announced. Running for office, any office, even school board or dog catcher, takes thousands of dollars, and the cost goes up from there into the billions of dollars. The Presidential Campaign ran for over a year. All that money spent and it didn't change my mind or yours.

Willie Brown, former Democratic Speaker of the California State Assembly (And the only Democratic Speaker in history to be elected by a Republican majority legislature) and former Mayor of San Francisco, wrote in the San Francisco Chronicle about campaign contributions.

He admits taking campaign money from the cigarette lobby, lots of money. He never promised to take a single political act in exchange. Their money got them an audience, nothing more. And Willie voted against the tobacco lobby every time. Yet it never stopped them from donating again in the next election.

Sorry, but I do not believe a citizen of Wyoming's vote should be worth more in political power than a voter in Texas or California.

Until we as a people can get money out of politics, the situation will not improve. The Congress could outlaw Citizen United in a new Biden administration. I doubt they will shut off the flow of PAC money to their campaigns.

The Affordable Care Act was after all written by the insurance industry. The Bankruptcy Reform Act was written by the banks and credit card companies.

Hunter Biden is a total red herring. Who is the equivalent of Roger Stone and Rudy Guiliani on the Democratic side? Because the GOP is a minority party. They can only win by cheating, gerrymandering, dirty tricks, and fear tactics.

There are tons of incompetent but well-connected people sitting on Boards of Directors. Hunter isn't the first and won't be the last. So what?

Hunter Biden was certainly selected because of his last name. That doesn't mean he had any actual business connections to his father. He can exchange all the fanciful e-mails and plots to trade on his connections he wants, but none of that was illegal unless someone could show it affected Joe Biden's actions. So far, no one has been able to do that. Hunter Biden is not running for office. But Trump was.

Biden has said he told Hunter to never talk to him about Hunter's business dealings. He wanted no part of it. Hunter has been an embarrassment to his father. He was a recovering drug addict and alcoholic.\

You point the finger at a loser like Hunter Biden and ignore Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner. Who the FBI and CIA said are not qualified for a security clearance and only received one on the President's direct orders.

What are either of their qualifications to advise the President?

We don't know with certainty what illegal acts they may have committed, but I can guarantee you they had much more of an impact on Donald Trump than Hunter had on Joe Biden.

Yes, I agree, there are probably many people who could do a better job than either Biden or Trump. But they weren't running for President. The ones who were running could not amass enough support to win the nomination. Biden did win it, with the help of Jim Clyburn and the DNC, who were desperate to stop a Sanders candidacy.

Oh, and now that all the votes have been counted Biden did win by a landslide. The last election was the largest turnout of the electorate in history. He will win by the same Electoral College vote margin as none other than Donald Trump himself, who labeled his win as a "landslide". Why is it only a landslide for Trump and not for Biden? And let's not forget Biden won the popular vote too. And Trump did not having lost by 3 million votes.

The Presidental race wasn't even close. The huge disappointment was the Senate, where incumbents were returned to office, while the polls predicted they would lose. Plus the loss of seats in the House.

The Democratic Party did a terrible job of allowing the GOP to label them as "left-wing radicals" and "socialists". "Defund the Police" was just as bad as a "basket of deplorables".

The true radicals are the Republicans.



Norm Gilbert
Norm Gilbert

Written by Norm Gilbert

Fully retired, ex-pat living outside the US. Been a worker, been in a union, owned a business, and had probably 6 different career paths. I write as a hobby.

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