Jacob Grandstaff, I disagree with your conclusions and belief that nothing can be done to reduce gun violence.
Yes, you cannot legislate morality. Prostitution, alcohol, drugs, abortion or homosexuality cannot be outlawed. When they are outlawed, they just go underground and get more expensive.
So to that extent you cannot outlaw guns. The United States is a gun culture. So we must look at the do-able and educate people that in general, guns are more likely to hurt you or others than protect you from harm.
So while we cannot prohibit guns, we can regulate them a lot more than we do presently.
We can legislate technology that all new guns must have technology that prevents anyone but the registered owner from pulling the trigger.
We can require gun safety classes before purchase.
We can require that gun owners buy insurance in case their gun injures others.
We can register guns the same way we register automobiles.
We can require gun owners to have a license.
We can increase mandatory background checks and wait times.
We can close the gun show and mail order loopholes.
We can keep track of who is stockpiling large quantities of ammunition.
Only a gun nut would object to any of the aforementioned.
Most importantly we can make mental health services easily available and free of charge.
Parents of deeply disturbed kids often have no way to get professional help for their child. This isn’t a police function. The police get involved after the shooter has acted. Mental health services might actually prevent the shooter from acting in the first place.