Jack, you continue to equate communism with socialism and believe all capitalism is equal and great.
Not even AOC or Bernie is proposing the kind of socialism you are railing against.
And capitalism only works with plenty of competition and little corruption. Otherwise, it turns into authoritarianism and fascism.
Umair talks about PUBLIC GOODS, everything from dams and roads to parks, libraries, transit, and schools.
And he makes the point that America spends only a fraction of its GDP on PUBLIC GOODS when compared to Social Democratic countries.
Those are the facts my friend and this lack of investment in Public Goods is what is making America a failed state.
Throw in two hundred years of racism that prevents minorities from building any real wealth, and you have a formula for a pretty awful quality of life for everyone except the richest who benefit from a crooked and convoluted tax system.
No one promotes the state taking over the means of production and distribution. No one suggests life is better under true socialism. It doesn't work, for the very reasons you state.
People want incentives to work harder and do better. Under a fair system. Not a system corrupted by big money interests and a military industrial complex that Eisenhower warned as about.
As I have suggested to you before, please broaden your sources of information and stop watching Faux at all. You'll learn nothing from Hannity and Tucker Carlson.
Take care of yourself Jack.