Norm Gilbert
2 min readApr 4, 2020


I think you’re right.

Let’s make all roads toll roads, so if you’re driving across town or across the country, why the hell should you get free roads? I don’t have a car and I know the tax on gasoline pays for some roads, but not all.

Let’s get rid of Medicare too. Turn it over to the insurance companies to run and make everyone pay the full costs. If you can’t afford it, well, too bad. Die in the street or maybe some private charity will take pity on you.

All schools should have tuition. I have no kids using the schools. Why should I pay so someone else’s kids get a free ride on my tax dollars?

Why the heck is the governmint running electric and water companies? My tax dollars are paying for that too.

Every darn park in the whole darn United States should charge admission to go have a picnic, take a hike, or ride on the swings. Disneyland doesn’t let people in for free. If you cannot afford to pay to use the park, go to a public beach.

Those stupid people who smoke in bed or used frayed extension cords and start a fire in their house. The Fire Department comes and puts it out. That shouldn’t be free. You have a fire, you get a bill from the Fire Department and pay for their services.

This here is a Capitalist country and I know Capitalism is the best system ever. Like Ronnie said, its governmint that is the problem. If Jeff Brzos or Warren Buffet can get rich, why can’t I? I like rich people because some day I’m gonna be rich too.

Why the heck do we even need all these governmint rules anyway? I don’t live along the river so why should I care what some factory dumps in the river. That factory is creatin jobs for folks like me.

I like to work hard and don’t like the gubbernmint butting in. Why should any business have to pay overtime? If I don’t like workin’ 6 days a week for $7.50 an hour, I could just git me a job someplace else.

No sir we sure don’t need any of that pinko socialist commie stuff in America. Every man for himself. Survival of the fittest, thin the herd. I got mine and darn if I’m giving any of it up to do any public goods. Screw them all . . .

I’d rather pay $1,200 a month with a $5,000 deductible and $40 co-pay than pay $600 a month flat if it meant than any of those immigrants and dark skinned people were getting more free stuff because they’re too lazy to work.

MAGA. Trump 2020.



Norm Gilbert
Norm Gilbert

Written by Norm Gilbert

Fully retired, ex-pat living outside the US. Been a worker, been in a union, owned a business, and had probably 6 different career paths. I write as a hobby.

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