Norm Gilbert
2 min readMay 21, 2020


I think I am toxic when it comes to Trump supporters. Probably all the things you mentioned.

Angry, rude, judgmental, hypercritical, trying to change their mind. None of the rest, just the ones at the top.

I finally concluded that no matter how many years we have been connected, no matter how much I believe that they are good people and maybe even good friends who, If I needed help, might help me, I cannot abide their politics.

Three years into this disaster of an administration, I feel Trump is every bit as dangerous to humanity as Hitler. If I were living in Germany in 1932, would have I had the courage to sell everything and leave the country?

From children in cages whose parents will never see them again to appointing conservative judges who want the US to have a state religion to 100,000 people dead many of whom should still be alive, I cannot let go, turn it off, not vote, or not care.

Anyone still supporting this illiterate monster is either brainwashed, ignorant to what is happening or a racist.

I am normally very tolerant. You do you.

You like Ford made in America and I like Lexus made in Japan? Fine.

You go to church on Sunday and wear a crucifix, and I am a Buddhist who doesn't believe in a God that listens to my prayers? Fine.

Disagreement is fine. We can process and interpret facts differently.

But Trump? Believing Bill Gates wants to implant microchips in people to track them? Believing Coronavirus is no worse than the flu and a Democratic plot to bring down Trump?

Sorry, but like their guru, I see these true believers are mentally ill, unbalanced, and in total denial.

I do think I'm right and they are wrong and I am doing everything I can to see that Trump and his minions are all voted out in November. And yet fearful that if Trump loses, he will not leave office.

I can avoid getting into discussions with co-workers or people on the street. But people I know and have known. At least it isn't my own family I'm dealing with.

I don't want to defriend these people, although they are welcome to defriend me. But cutting them out of my life, while it might be a relief, is akin to ghosting someone.

Just agreeing to disagree doesn't work. I post anti-Trump material to Facebook, they comment on it. They post stuff from Fox or Breitbart, I just delete it without reading, but can’t help reading the headline.

Toxic relations indeed. They just accuse me of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

How do others deal with this? I am toxic in these relationships.



Norm Gilbert
Norm Gilbert

Written by Norm Gilbert

Fully retired, ex-pat living outside the US. Been a worker, been in a union, owned a business, and had probably 6 different career paths. I write as a hobby.

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