I love this essay. 50 claps. It feels like you wrote it about me and my last relationship.
So accurate, it was just as you describe. The fear, the fights, the pushing each other away.
I’d rather go grocery shopping with her then get a free single ticket to game 7 of the NBA finals or a single ticket to the Academy Awards.
It has been a damn long time since she left. She didn’t have the courage to dump me face to face. E-Mail was the weapon of choice. She has been no contact ever since. She has done nothing at all to indicate any desire for contact.
Maybe I’m crazy and I am the only one feeling what you describe? Maybe she actually believes I am like psycho crazy and not love crazy?
But I have always felt we’d eventually find our way back to one another. Maybe not as lovers because the trust has been badly eroded. Maybe as true friends and confidants?.
I have taken a huge risk and reached out after years of silence. The invitation arrives soon. Very light, cute and creative and it should be a huge surprise.
I can’t predict her reaction, even though I know her well. She could be hugely angry or she could be curious and receptive. I asked for a daytime coffee date. There won’t be any kissing. I think she has a boyfriend now.
But you’re right. I’d want to know what she’s been up to since she left. So many questions. Is the magic still there under the anger and disappointment?
It’s out of my hands at this point. I trying not to expect a response, so I won’t be devastated when she ghosts. I give myself a 20% chance of success.
But your essay was a nice shot in the arm. As long as we’re both still breathing, the popssibility is real.