I have a similar story. But yours is so much better written than I could do. Brought back great memories from long ago. 2004.
With us, not a one night stand but instead a 6 year relationship. As you say, doing a relationship takes work and consistently making the right choices. Which sadly neither of us did.
But the odds of our meeting were maybe more improbable than yours.
I alway considered it a gift from the universe. We really never would have met in any other way.
She ended it in 2010 and she hasn’t chosen to have any contact. I will always miss her. Obviously, she doesn’t share my sentiments.
I will always wonder what our lives would be like today had we been able to get through that bump in the road.
It has been 9 years.
I still hope lightning will strike twice, but I wish I was more optimistic. It took 56 years the first time. I don’t have that much time left.