I had my first Zoom Conference with 400 users yesterday, and I was blown away.
Lots of discourse on love, dating, sex, erectile dysfunction, depression and genital herpes.
But it actually beats a live in the flesh meeting for a number of reasons that I’ve written about in an article and which I am trying to get published.
If there was a better alternative to Zoom, people would be using it. You’ve done quite a good job reiterating why all the other conferencing apps are crap but with better security.
Even Apple, a company that claims to be better at security than their competitors, still cannot stop jail breaking iOS after years of trying. They didn’t stop jail breaking by plugging the exploits in their iOS code, they just stole the best features of jail breaking and implemented them in their iOS.
I’d still like to design but own lock screen with my choice of fonts or have cool page turns and cube turn transitions between screens of icons, but it just got to be too much work to stay up with what worked and what didn’t.
Apple, the so-called leaders in security still makes it simple to change the Apple ID password from the iPhone without any security other than the 6 digit numerical unlock code which is easily pilfered just by looking over the users shoulder before stealing the phone.
Or how about when your Apple devices get stolen and the Find My Devices App sends the locations of the devices to one and only one registered e-mail address, which is usually an Apple domain.
Once the thieves have changed the Apple ID password using just the unlock code, the victim will never receive the e-mail messages when the devices call home.
I was locked out of my Apple ID for 32 days after I was robbed. Because Apple uses my credit card on file not only to validate payments but to validate identity. Because Apple pushes so much revenue through the financial services networks, they let Apple use those networks for unintended purposes.
So if the thieves get your wallet and your iPhone, the minute you call your bank and close that card account, and it is that card that is on file with Apple, any chance you had of getting back into your Apple ID account quickly evaporated. Ever heard of the nightmare black box called the Apple Account Recovery System?
(Here’s a few tips: Use a non Apple e-mail account as your primary and only e-mail for Apple ID notifications. And you must set it up that way when you first get the Apple ID as it can not be changed, ever. And you only get ONE e-mail per Apple ID. Believe me unless you want to repurchase every App you ever bought from the Apple App store, you do not want to start over with a new Apple ID.
Secondly, get a unique credit or debit card you ONLY use for Apple ID, one that you keep locked in a safe or frozen in a block of ice. A card that will be virtually impossible to steal.)
Bottom line, Mr.Pitt, I am way more worried about Apple screwing up my life by their bad security than Zoom.
You should be writing about Apple’s security failures, not Zoom’s. But no tech reporter will ever go after Apple, lest they lose their junket to the Steve Jobs theater in Cupertino and all the free evaluation hardware Apple seeds to journalists that they only want back after they send out the newer free evaluation hardware.
It is easier to go after Zoom, a product that just works better than anything else on the market.
Americans have stopped caring about lying anyway. When the President lies about the pandemic he knew was coming and people died by the thousands, I really don’t care if Zoom lies about their middle to middle encryption.