I could not agree with you more. No means no and there is no changing genetics.
Men will always pursue and women will always choose. The criteria on both sides is more often than not looks, confidence, and money.
What I find despicable is a yes that becomes a de facto no. “I miss our good times. I love what you do to my ******. If you buy me an airline ticket and pay for the hotel, we’ll have fun together every day .”
She arrives, joins me for three beers, comes back to the hotel to her own room while I shower for dinner and then disappears to party and get drunk with some losers at the pool she finds attractive.
Does not respond to text messages for three hours. I eat alone. She finally texts a drunken story saying she was by the pool the whole time, preceded by “sorry”.
Then she blamed me for my “drama” around her sudden disappearance. Like I was just supposed to be OK with being stood up.
If she had sex it wasn’t with me.
That kind of behavior is all too typical. I have stopped dating. I am a good catch, a good lover, and generous. I am successful but not rich or a male model.
But if women want me to respect their no they need to honor their yes. And stop playing me for money as if they are a charity case.