I am 72, she is 41. We live in different cities an hour flight apart. I have known her 8 years off and on. More off than on.
We tried FWB recently but it was all one sided. Nothing above the neck. And she would not touch me. No hugs, no kisses. She called me creepy except in bed.
I am not interested in seriously dating her because she is a bit crazy, addicted to weed, always broke and has a hair trigger temper.
She is a totally different person in bed. Totally my ideal body type. Extremely submissive. I have never met someone so distinctively having two totally different personalities. 31 years younger. Very pretty.
We had a few fun trips. Staycations or weekend getaways.
She just could never bring herself to reciprocating my affection and it ended. Or went into hibernation. I think she met someone and is basically monogamous.
Her relationships never last and she’ll pop up in my life again someday. Weird yet interesting.