I agree with the later parts of your analysis. Preaching hate backed up with effective propaganda will bring a sociopath to power.
The only part I disagree with is your approval of assassination or seeing Trump as anything but an egotistical, narcissistic, sociopath. The man-boy has not a single redeeming quality. Not one. He lies, he cheats, he can never be wrong, he is a bully, and more akin to a mob boss than a president.
Just because we have the power to do something doesn’t mean we should. The agreement the world had with Iran to control nuclear weapons was working. It wasn’t perfect, but it was a first step. We had inspectors in Iran. It might have been the beginning of a diplomatic solution. It took ten years to craft that agreement and Trump blew it up for only one reason: Obama was the guy who achieved it.
No other country will sign any agreement with the US after Trump because it won’t be worth anything. Trump or someone like him will just abrogate it on a whim. Other countries and leaders no longer have any respect for America and certainly don’t trust us to keep our commitments.
Trump knows deep down that he’s a cowherd and a phony. He knows Obama is smarter, more well liked, in better physical shape, and respected. Trump is none of those things.
Obama told some jokes at the Press Correspondents Dinner that satirized Trump. Much more mild that what Ricky Gervais said at the Golden Globe Awards that had to be bleeped. Twice. But Trump has no sense of humor or real self-esteem. He cannot laugh at himself. So he hates Obama for humiliating him in public. Trump can dish out the most vile insults, but he can’t take it when he’s the target.
There was no imminent threat from Iran. Explain to me how killing this one general, outside his home country and in another country that is supposedly our ally changes anything for the better? The truth is that it doesn’t make things better, it makes things worse. The Mullahs will replace him quickly and escalate their bad behavior. Iran has started making nuclear bombs again. We now open up America for assassins to strike back at our politicians.
You are young but seem very bright. We need more people your age to get involved, get informed, and to vote.
Do you think people are smarter than dogs? What is the best way to train a dog? Nurturing dominance and a lot of love. You will not get a dog to do what you want it to do by beating him with a stick or starving him. If it doesn’t work on dogs, what makes you think it works on people?
I don’t know how much of the world you’ve seen yet. If you haven’t traveled to Europe or Asia, I highly recommend spending a month or two there. Go alone so you’ll meet foreigners instead of other Americans. It is not as expensive as a trip to Disney World. Go now, before you get so deep into your career or marriage or kids that you can’t take a long trip outside the US.
You are as much naive as I am cynical. The world is a complicated place and perhaps you haven’t yet encountered the Law of Unintended Consequences.
Believe me, I am not giving up without a fight and I’m voting blue, no matter who. Plus sending money to people like Amy McGrath, whose running against Moscow Mitch McConnell.
If I can leave you with one thought, it would be this: Those who neglect to learn the lessons of history are condemned to repeat it.