How can you expect Americans to flee a collapsing society when 60% of the people do not have and have never had a passport?
Americans in general have never been anywhere that English isn’t spoken and paper money isn’t green. They’d rather go to Epcot or Vegas to experience the ersatz Disney version of “world travel”.
If you have never done something or experienced something of course you will harbor fear about the unknown. Leaving the US when it is all you have ever known is scary.
But the truth is all human psychological growth and understanding occurs only at the edge of your comfort zone. FEAR = False Expectations Appearing Real.
Evolved people, successful people feel fear just like those stuck in their rut deeply in debt chasing the elusive “American Dream”.
The only difference between the bold and people pretending that all is well is while the bold, the curious, the adventuresome all feel the fear, they do that fearful thing anyway. They move forward. They take calculated risks.
There is sadly a very good chance that the forces of authoritarian fascism will take control of America’s government. Americans will vote these people into office.
The time to get out is now, before the deluge.