Democracy is an illusion. When 40% of the population sets the rules for the other 60% Democracy is already dead.
The conservatives generally have no platform or program. They’re are mostly against things and not for them. They are the party of “no” and whatever the Orange Clown says.
Sadly, to be elected, even for dogcatcher, takes money; a lot of money. And neither party has the slightest interest in changing that, because all politicians care about above all else, is being reelected.
America was founded by citizen politicians. Today it is run by professional politicians. Who come in to office poor and leave rich with a much better pension than their constituents enjoy.
A country of greedy uneducated overweight gun lovers cannot be saved. Please don’t tell me to wait. I’ve been waiting 50 years and see a country of stupid racists following the path of Germany in 1932.
Yes, I will keep voting, but from outside America where I can watch from a safe distance as America implodes into civil war.
A system where one senator from a backwards rural state can hold up legislation that 60% of the population favors is a broken system. Manchin cannot be defeated by a progressive, only by someone further to the right than he is.
Insanity is defined as continuing to do the same things over and over and expecting a different result.