Trump cultists absorb a lot of material from their right wing conspiracy sites that goes something like this:
“Just you wait. You’ll see. It is all coming out (next week, in two weeks, next month, soon) and Biden/Hillary/Obama will be arrested. The whole Russia thing was a total hoax, didn’t you listen to Barr. There was no collusion.”
We’ve had some version of this narrative about the John Dunham report, that will lay open all the dirt, coming soon to a theater near you.
Well, Caleb, we’re running out of time. Trump has about a month left. Where is this promised shocking report to “set the record straight” about Russia’s contribution to his election and how Obama spied on his campaign? Where’s the beef, Caleb?
Trump played this same tape once before, when he supposedly had a team of private detectives in Hawaii looking into Obama’s supposed fake birth certificate, and they uncovered some amazing/incredible/shocking evidence and (replay sentence #1 stating with “Just you wait . . .”). After his BS got some play on the news, the evidence was never forthcoming. Eventually, Trump had to admit Obama was born in the United States. There was no apology included in that acceptance speech.
Hunter Biden’s tax problems are nothing compared to what Javanka have been up to. And what does Hunter Biden have to do with his dad? His dad never put him on the government payroll to be a “consultant” with zero skills and an inability to get a security clearance without direct orders from POTUS.
Sure, Hunter played on the relationship to make money. Hunter Biden is an ex-drug addict and kind of a sad sack loser actually. The guy has a lot of mental problems. I feel sad for him and his father.
I wouldn’t be the least surprised that Hunter has real tax problems. Probably unreported income and fake business deductions, It has nothing to do with his father. There is no scandal here. Tax problems are a long ways from Ukraine and Burisma. Wasn’t that supposed to be the smoking gun?
Let’s instead talk about Trump’s tax problems which involve fraud so serious he likely will end up in prison. Jared is in the same boat. And his pardons will not save him.
Anyone taking a Trump pardon has admitted their guilt and can be hauled before a Congressional Committee and forced to answer questions with no 5th amendment rights against self-incrimination. If they refuse to answer or lie, they can be charged with criminal behavior. A Trump pardon is not a Get Out Of Jail Free card.
Hunter Biden maybe tried to put one over on the IRS. But Trump tried to put on over on everyone. Banks, Insurance Companies, Investors, Contractors, the IRS, and all his wives.
You never hear Democrats running the same Trumpian script, except this time about Trump’s relationship with Jeffrey Epstein. When the FBI raided his Manhattan mansion and his island sex club, any evidence that was seized will never see the light of day. It has likely been destroyed by the Justice Department and then Epstein was murdered, so he would never talk and reveal what he knew about so many rich and famous men. Including Donald Trump.
I’ll give you that Biden is in the pocket of the banking and insurance industries. Doesn’t make him a crook to take campaign donations and PAC money.
I am hoping that since he doesn’t have to stand for re-election, he’ll stop taking their money and do the right thing for the American people. But Biden will be a monumental improvement over a crazy, moronic, illiterate, sociopathic, narcissistic, egotist without the slightest bit of empathy for any other human being. Trump is all about Trump. What a sorry excuse for a human being.
Let us all know when the much anticipated Dunham Report is released. I hear it’s Any Day Now. If there was anything there, Trump would have already used it.