I really want to thank you for giving your readers an inside look at the complexities of the technology behind Hulu.
It’s clear you are all super smart and in some cases writing way over my head. I’m a fan of technology but do not work in technology and so a lot of this post pointed out how little I know and understand.
But as another commenter pointed out you still have horrendous problems with buffering of Hulu live streams. I have yet to read a layman’s explanation for these periodic freezes and stuttering audio as well as the stream skpping ahead in the stream.
No one to my knowledge has every heard Hulu acknowledge the buffering problem, prove to us you know what is the root cause (and it is NOT our bandwidth) and then that you have a solid plan to fix the issues quickly no matter the cost in engineering manpower or hardware infrastructure.
Instead your support team is always blaming the customer, claiming too little bandwidth at the customer’s site. Yet we who experience these unwatchable live streams know that problem is systemic, it rightfully belongs to Hulu and not the customer. And your company needs to own it.
So, Andrew, how about a blog post in language we can all understand granting that the Hulu Live experience is often unwatchable, followed by a brutally honest post of how you intend to stop the constant freezes of the video, the jumping forward in time, the stuttering audio, and all the other problems viewers have been complaining about literally for many, many years.
What say you?