A truer word was never written.
It took me a long time to accept the finality of my breakup. Thinking about it still makes me sad and it has been ten years.
For a multitude of reasons I doubt I will get another shot at romance.
For one thing, at 71 I am too old to pursue a relationship. In my mind, I am 51 anyway.
Secondly, I fear another breakup. The last one almost destroyed me.
I have been alone since the breakup. No girlfriend, even a short term attempt. I am used to it. I enjoy my own company and before this pandemic hell, had a very full and interesting life.
But this too shall pass and the virus will subside or be beaten into submission. My dream is to be able to travel again safely and without fear.
I liked and admired my ex a lot but I wasn’t good at dealing with losing her affection and respect while we were together.
I still blame myself for losing her and to be honest, do not think I could attract anyone better suited to me than she was.
So, the end is the correct description. While I will never know or get to ask the questions, I’d ask the same questions.
How are you really?
Are you happy?
Since I know the dog died in 2013, I would ask how her 85 year old mother is holding up.
Thanks for writing and sharing your story.
Hope your present is an improvement over your past.